Trump’s border wall collapses due to high winds. Evidently, this wall is not as “great” as Trump claims

Visual Disobedience
2 min readJan 31, 2020


A portion of Trump’s Mexican border wall collapsed this past Wednesday due to high winds. “The wall fell in California and damaged some trees on the Mexican side.” Thankfully, The Huffington Post reported no one was injured.

The Huffington Post also reported that the “panels were newly installed and the concrete anchoring in place had not yet cured.” and that “CNN noted that winds of up to 37 mph were recorded in the area. ”The funny thing about this event is that on Tuesday, Trump was in Jersey campaigning for the election, where he bragged about how amazing the wall was. In other instances, Trump also has said that “this wall is not something that can be knocked down.” Now the joke is on him — perhaps the high winds occurred due to climate change which Trump also denies! See our previous blog posts on this!

This event shows once again that Trump overstates his capabilities and hopes his mega-ego will overpower American voters. Do we want four more years of Trump continuing to misrepresent his leadership capabilities?

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What do you think of the wall collapsing, blown over by wind? What are your thoughts on Trump’s false promise that the wall could not be knocked down? We would love to hear your opinions.

The facts from this article found in this article in The Huffington Post



Visual Disobedience

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