The C.D.C. now is advising people to wear masks while outside, but Trump refuses. How can we fight this pandemic if our own President does not take the C.D.C.’s advice seriously?

Visual Disobedience
3 min readApr 18, 2020

On April 3rd, President Trump announced that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention advised everyone to wear masks when outside. As Trump made this announcement, he belittled this vital order, “repeatedly calling the recommendation voluntary and saying that he would not wear one himself.” Also saying that, “with the masks, it is going to be a voluntary thing, you can do it. You don’t have to do it. I am choosing not to do it. It may be good. It is only a recommendation, voluntary. “

The fact that Trump will not wear a mask proves that he is not taking this pandemic seriously. As more people are dying, and COVID 19 effects push our economy further into a recession, we need the leader of our country to act as a role model, leading by example.

Trevor Noah said, “Trump is all about appearance — he’s not going to be wearing a mask. He doesn’t care about safety. In fact, the only way they can get him to wear a mask is if his aides trick him. They gotta trick him like he’s a child: ‘No, Mr. President, it’s not a mask — it’s a border wall for your face.’”

Noah is accurate. Trump is a visual person, who cares about appearances, this is why we named our campaign the Visual Disobedience Campaign. Trump is a shallow leader that only cares about his public image and not about his people. Thus, it makes sense that he would reject wearing a mask. The New York Times wrote that “The C.D.C. recommends masks because they help ‘you’ not ‘me.’ In Mr. Trump’s world, there is only ‘me.’”

Jimmy Kimmel correctly commented, “what is the point of telling people to do something you are not doing yourself?” Many people will think if the ‘President is not wearing one, why should I.’ No one now doubts that COVID-19 is dangerous, and everyone should follow the orders from the C.D.C. seriously if they want to end this catastrophe sooner.

We have the opportunity to remove Trump from the office in this upcoming election. Now is the time to activate your Visual Disobedience against Trump. If you are a Millennial or Generation Z that lives within the five crucial swing states outlined in our campaign overview, now more than ever, we need your vote to overturn the 2016 electoral college result electing Trump. We do not want Trump to be leading us if another disaster strikes the U.S. within the next four years.

Facts for this post taken primarily from this article, this article, and this article from The New York Times.

Yours Truly,

Jackie T.

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Visual Disobedience

We are a bipartisan political action committee. Our sole goal is to defeat Donald Trump in 2020. Our campaign calls out to Generation Z. Web: