A forecasted Northern California February without rain will dramatically increase wildfire risk: Why now more than ever we must fight Trump and climate change

Visual Disobedience
2 min readFeb 14, 2020


It was reported recently in the San Francisco Chronicle that meteorologists are predicting no rain for February in the Bay Area, obviously increasing the area’s wildfire risk. LeRoy Westerling, a climate and fire scientist at UC Merced, stated that “It’s really dry right now, and that’s making it more likely we’ll have a dry fire season and worse conditions this year.”

The strange thing is that February is typically one of the wettest months in California. The last time it did not rain in the Bay Area during February was 1864, highlighting how unusual this would be. California was hoping for a good rainy season also to bolster the Sierra snowpack that provides much of our water, to make up for the seven-year drought that ended in 2017.

Scott McLean, a spokesman for Cal Fire, said in the article that California still struggles to “bring back the resilience of their forests.” Although the rainy season is not over, and there is still a slight chance California could receive some precipitation, reports suggest that the odds are unfavorable.

This scarcity of rain once again proves that we need to fight climate change that is causing these unusual occurrences. This starts with the simple fact that we cannot re-elect President Trump, who believes climate change is a hoax, thus putting us all at risk.

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Facts from this blog post primarily from this article in the San Francisco Chronicle.



Visual Disobedience

We are a bipartisan political action committee. Our sole goal is to defeat Donald Trump in 2020. Our campaign calls out to Generation Z. Web: https://visdis.us